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Showing posts from 2017

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-12-21 - Life Day Celebrations - Part Two

Part Two of our Life Day live stream, and still no Wookies.  Stuart keeps practicing, with a different list this time vs Joshua (from Blackmoon Squadron and Stardust Series), who is also here to shake some rust off.  Stickus sits out and tries to run the overlay. Mistakes are made and much fun is had, in this last streamed match of 2018.  See you  in the new year!

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-12-21 - Life Day Celebrations - Part One

Part One of our Life Day flights, but without a Wookie in sight! Instead, Stickus and Stuart fly some test lists and make mistakes in preparation for the upcoming Regionals season. Happy Life Day to all of you and yours. May the Force be with you in the years to come.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-12-14 - Wave 13 Testing

We fly some lists using the new ships from Wave 13 with Stickus flying the "Tactical Advantage" list suggested by one of our Patreon backers, consisting of Poe, Ezra, and Crimson Specialist. Bali flies a triple Gunboat list, backed up with Baron Valen Rudor.  Much fun is had and many shenanigans are performed.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-12-07 - Merry Gunboat Day - Part Two

Part Two of our Thursday Flight Night, where we fly some of the new ships from Wave 13 and The Last Jedi.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-12-07 - Merry Gunboat Day - Part One

Part one of the Wave 13 and Last Jedi ship launch day.  Stickus and Bali fly some of the new ships.

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-12-06 - Darth Otaku vs Stickus

Another casual game at Gauntlet Games (, this one with Mike "Darth Otaku" Massiah versus Glenn "Stickus" Morgan, with both testing some newer builds.

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-12-06 - Darth Otaku vs Rookie Ace

Mike "Darth Otaku" Massiah faces off against Ray "Rookie Ace" Lendt in a casual match at Gauntlet Games​ (

Blackmoon Squadron Finals - Round Three

Round Three and the FINAL ROUND of the Blackmoon Squadron Finals. This one features Ray (flying from the left again) versus Rich (flying from the right).  Still had issues with the overlay app, so no lists on screen, but you can find them below. Rich's List: Miranda Doni K-Wing (44) Twin Laser Turret + Harpoon Missiles + Sabine Wren + Bomblet Generator + Long-Range Scanners Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (26) R4-D6 + Integrated Astromech Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (30) Selflessness + Wookiee Commandos Ray's List: Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (29) Selflessness + "Chopper" Roark Garnet HWK-290 (29) Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (28) R2-D6 + Integrated Astromech + Swarm Tactics Captain Rex TIE Fighter (14)

Blackmoon Squadron Finals - Round Two

Round Two of the Blackmoon Squadron Finals.  This match sees Ray (flying from the left) versus Paul (flying from the right).  We had an overlay malfunction and weren't able to pull up the lists properly, but you can find them below. Ray's List: Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (29) Selflessness + "Chopper" Roark Garnet HWK-290 (29) Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (28) R2-D6 + Integrated Astromech + Swarm Tactics Captain Rex TIE Fighter (14) Paul's List: Jan Ors HWK-290 (40) Veteran Instincts + Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow + Shield Upgrade Rey YT-1300 (59) Veteran Instincts + Kanan Jarrus + Finn + Millennium Falcon + Smuggling Compartment + Countermeasures + Inertial Dampeners

Blackmoon Squadron Finals - Round One

Round One of the Blackmoon Squadron Finals from a couple weeks back. This match features David (flying from the left) and Mikey (flying from the right). Sorry for the overlay delay, I was competing as well as having to set up the recordings, so things got a little messed up :)

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-30 - Shaking Off The Rust - Part Two

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-30 - Shaking Off The Rust - Part One

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-23 - No, I am your father - Part Two

Stickus tags in vs our guest Ron.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-23 - No, I am your father - Part One

Part One of our Thursday Flight Night, featuring our special guest: Bali's father, Ron

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-16 - New Scum Test Flights - Part Two

Stickus flies more Scum, Bali swaps to Rebels. Stickus changes to his newest Talonbane list, featuring the bounty hunter teamed up with Inaldra, Sunny and 2 Cartel Spacers.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-16 - New Scum Test Flights - Part One

Stickus and Bali test some Scum lists, trying our hands at some more of the Guns for Hire upgrades.  Stickus brings out a Nym list, backed with Captain Jostero and Sunny Bounder, flying from the left side of the screen.  Bali brings Xizor, the Prince Himself, to the table, with some Cartel Spacers and N'Dru flying in escort.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-02 - Moar Guns For Hire! - Part Two

Bali switches up to Scum in this match up, with Stickus busting out a post-FAQ Biggs list, trying ot prove the naysayers wrong about our favourite moustached X-Wing pilot.  Sadly the overlay couldn't handle the power of the combined mousatches of Biggs & Rex, the flowing locks of Ezra Bridger and the majestic pelt of Lowhhrick and so there is no overlay for his list. 

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-02 - Moar Guns For Hire! - Part One

Stickus and Bali testing some Guns For Hire lists.  Stickus brings his brand new Talonbane, Dalan, Thweek list, flying from the left side of the screen.  Bali decides his not messing around tonight and brings out a Palp Defenders build, flying from the right side of the screen.

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-11-01 - Darth Otaku vs Stickus

Mikey and Stickus fly against each other at Gauntlet Games.  Mikey brings out his three Starvipers and puts them through their paces against Stickus Poetensity & Rey list

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-11-01 - Mikey vs Stickus

Mikey and Stickus fly against each other at Gauntlet Games.  Mikey brings out his three Starvipers and puts them through their paces against Stickus Poetensity & Rey list

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Final Round

Tournament Finals from the Blackmoon Squadron League.  Eric on the left with his Rebels vs Ray on the Right with his Rebels.  Hope you enjoy the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round Three

Round Three of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, this round featuring returning Store Champion Eric on the left and our very own "Other Red 5", Joshua, on the right.  Hope you like the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round Two

Round Two of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, this one featuring James on the left and Ray on the right.  We're missing the Scavenger Crane for some reason on Ray's Ahsoka build, but it really is there, we promise.  Hope you enjoy the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round One

Round one of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, featuring Jason on the left side and Zena on the right side. Small mishap with the overlay, for some reason it added a Prox Mine to Jason's list, which isn't actually there.  Hope you enjoy the match!

More wave 11: Wookie Gunship Unboxing

We're back today with another ship unboxing; this time the Wookiee Gunship from Wave 11. "Designed by Appazanna Engineering Works of Kashyyyk and equipped with three wide-range Sureggi twin laser cannons, the Auzituck gunship was known for its impressive firepower and incredible durability."  Well, they're certainly durable.  It's nice to see something different for the Rebel faction with a fairly durable ship with a 180° firing arc. It's also the first non-epic ship to come with the Reinforce action, which has been modified slightly for regular play. Paired with dual crew upgrade slots and an EPT slot on the named pilots, this will be a formidable support ship for your Rebel lists.  Okay, time to carefully open it up and check out the sweet, sweet goodness inside. This is one nice looking model.  Yet more evidence (IMO) that FFG is taking their fanbase seriously and giving us some incredibly beautiful models. It appears to have Wullffwar...

Wave 11 has arrived! TIE Aggressor Unboxing & Impressions

It's here! Wave 11 has shipped and arrived at various FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store), and Stickus actually managed to get his hand on one of each of them before they sold out. Today, we'll be focusing on the TIE Aggressor, with an unboxing and quick impression of the ship and it's included cards. " Designed for long missions, supply chain raids, and tactical flexibility, the TIE Aggressor can engage foes in close with it's maneuverability or from afar with it's ordinance and powerful turret." Yes, you read that right. It's only the second Imperial vessel to have a 360° firing arc, and the ONLY Imperial ship to have a turret slot, allowing it to equip the dreaded Twin-Laser Turret. Lets get this thing open.  Using my specialized "package opening tools", I opened the plastic and pulled everything out Time to check out that model.  Got it up on it's pegs and did a little turn around. I like it. The quality of the...

Upcoming Tournaments!

Lots of good X-Wing fun coming up in the near future.  A couple of Geektech Industries events, followed by the Stardust Series charity tournament (which is going to be a MUST ATTEND in our books).  Links to the events are below, with more information to be found on the event pages themselves. Geektech Industries Spring Open at Everything Games , April 8th from 10:00am till 6:00pm. A standard rules tournament with the Game Nexus providing the GX:OPS polish to things, while we stream it for your viewing pleasure. $10 entry fee, prizes for top three placers, and a RANDOM DRAW! Facebook Event page  //  Google+ Event Page Triple Play Scramble Championship at Triple Play Memorabilia , May 13th from 10:30am till 5:00pm A fast-moving, 4 player, deathmatch!  more info can be found on the event pages, but suffice to say that it's fast, furious, and a whole lot of fun.  $10 entry. prizes for top three placers, and the Geektech Industries Champions...

2017 LANtasy X-Wing Scramble Tourney - RAW live stream

Here's the RAW live stream archive of our X-Wing Scramble Tourney from LANtasy 2017, March 19th, 2017.  We had a lot of fun and I think it shows.