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Blackmoon Squadron Finals - Round Two

Round Two of the Blackmoon Squadron Finals.  This match sees Ray (flying from the left) versus Paul (flying from the right).  We had an overlay malfunction and weren't able to pull up the lists properly, but you can find them below.

Ray's List:

Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (29)

Selflessness + "Chopper"

Roark Garnet HWK-290 (29)

Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow

Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (28)

R2-D6 + Integrated Astromech + Swarm Tactics

Captain Rex TIE Fighter (14)

Paul's List:

Jan Ors HWK-290 (40)

Veteran Instincts + Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow + Shield Upgrade

Rey YT-1300 (59)

Veteran Instincts + Kanan Jarrus + Finn + Millennium Falcon + Smuggling Compartment + Countermeasures + Inertial Dampeners


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