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Blackmoon Squadron Finals - Round Three

Round Three and the FINAL ROUND of the Blackmoon Squadron Finals. This one features Ray (flying from the left again) versus Rich (flying from the right).  Still had issues with the overlay app, so no lists on screen, but you can find them below.

Rich's List:

Miranda Doni K-Wing (44)

Twin Laser Turret + Harpoon Missiles + Sabine Wren + Bomblet Generator + Long-Range Scanners

Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (26)

R4-D6 + Integrated Astromech

Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (30)

Selflessness + Wookiee Commandos

Ray's List:

Lowhhrick Auzituck Gunship (29)

Selflessness + "Chopper"

Roark Garnet HWK-290 (29)

Twin Laser Turret + Nien Nunb + Moldy Crow

Biggs Darklighter X-Wing (28)

R2-D6 + Integrated Astromech + Swarm Tactics

Captain Rex TIE Fighter (14)


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