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More wave 11: Wookie Gunship Unboxing

We're back today with another ship unboxing; this time the Wookiee Gunship from Wave 11.

"Designed by Appazanna Engineering Works of Kashyyyk and equipped with three wide-range Sureggi twin laser cannons, the Auzituck gunship was known for its impressive firepower and incredible durability." 

Well, they're certainly durable.  It's nice to see something different for the Rebel faction with a fairly durable ship with a 180° firing arc. It's also the first non-epic ship to come with the Reinforce action, which has been modified slightly for regular play. Paired with dual crew upgrade slots and an EPT slot on the named pilots, this will be a formidable support ship for your Rebel lists. 

Okay, time to carefully open it up and check out the sweet, sweet goodness inside.

This is one nice looking model.  Yet more evidence (IMO) that FFG is taking their fanbase seriously and giving us some incredibly beautiful models. It appears to have Wullffwarro's paint job, but doesn't seem to completely match the art on that pilot card.  It is still a gorgeous looking model.

It's dial is quite forgiving with only a single red maneuver, which is a straight 5.  No k-turns, s-loops, or talon rolls though, which is typical of a ship that can shoot in a 180° arc (like the YV-666 for Scum). Gonna be hard to turn it around, once an opponent gets behind you it's going to be really hard to them out of there. Give it some good support from other ships and you'll have very little to worry about.
Here's the rest of the tokens, along with the pilot tiles for the bases.

Now to check out the pilot cards, starting with the two generic pilots: Kashyyyk Defender and Wookiee Liberator
Sharing stats of 3 Attack, 1 Defense, 6 Hull, and 3 Shields (as well as a pair of crew slots) the Wookie Liberator also comes with an EPT slot to allow you to add some flexibility to the mid-low pilot skill ship.  Not a lot of actions on their action bar with Focus and Reinforce as their choices. Reinforce should be very interesting, as it allows you to add an evade result to your defense rolls.  This may not seem like much, but with 9 health and a guaranteed evade result, these ships are ready to face tank even aggressive aces like Dengar and come out with only a few hits.  The Reinforce action does function a little differently to its Epic rule counterpart. On a non-epic ship, you have a choice to reinforce the fore or aft section of your ship.  Reinforcing the fore section allows you to add an evade result when someone is attack from within your firing arc, while reinforcing aft allows you to add an evade result when someone attacks from outside your firing arc.  This does require a little bit of skill predicting where your opponent will be, however this will be far from a challenge to experienced pilots.

The Auzituck also comes with a pair of named, unique pilots with Lowhhrick and Wullffwarro
Lowhhrick looks to be a pretty good "meat shield" with his ability to spend his reinforce token to add an evade result to a friendly ship's defense.  I can see this getting paired with Biggs Darklighter making him even harder to kill in a single salvo.  Give him Selflessness as well and watch your opponents cry all the way to their defeat as they pump round after round into killing your shield bearers.

Wullffwarro has an interesting offensive ability that almost begs to have Selflessness, or something like Draw Their Fire, equipped.  If he's lost all his shields and taken at least one damage card, he then gets an extra die when attacking. He's another meat shield, but this one has a great offensive twist.

Now lets have a look at the upgrade cards that come with the Auzituck. It includes some new stuff, as well as some older stuff that newer players may not have had a chance to pick up yet.
Selflessness is going to frustrate your opponents by pulling hits from nearby friendly ships, both helping keep them alive longer as well as powering up pilots like Wullffwarro.  Wookiee Commandos will assist with the lack of action economy on the Auzituck by letting you reroll focus results when attacking.  Finally, Breech Specialist plays with the reinforce tokens you can generate to help keep critical hits from ruining your game. All three of these cards appear to have limited utility on ships, other than the Auzituck, at least until something else gets the reinforce action; although the Wookiee Commandos might make an appearance or two on the YT-1300.

The Gunship also includes three other previously released upgrades: Intimidation, Tactician, and Hull Upgrade. I'm sure there are plenty of "Rebel Only" pilots who are cheering the fact that they don't have to buy the TIE Phantom to get Tactician or the M3A Scyk to get Intimidation. All in all, great upgrades to add to this tanky support ship that can help increase its utility greatly.

Well, there's the Auzituck. It's going to be a tanky little ship, with a forgiving dial, that will make your opponents gnash their teeth in frustration at your oh so hard to kill Rebel lists. 

Don't forget to check out our weekly live stream on YouTube, Twitch, and Mixer (formerly Beam) Thursdays at ~8pm Pacific Time.  If you like what we do here then come and check out our Patreon page too.  We'll see you next time, here on the mat!

Click here to buy a Wookiee Gunship on Amazon and help us out a little:


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