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Showing posts from November, 2017

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-23 - No, I am your father - Part Two

Stickus tags in vs our guest Ron.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-23 - No, I am your father - Part One

Part One of our Thursday Flight Night, featuring our special guest: Bali's father, Ron

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-16 - New Scum Test Flights - Part Two

Stickus flies more Scum, Bali swaps to Rebels. Stickus changes to his newest Talonbane list, featuring the bounty hunter teamed up with Inaldra, Sunny and 2 Cartel Spacers.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-16 - New Scum Test Flights - Part One

Stickus and Bali test some Scum lists, trying our hands at some more of the Guns for Hire upgrades.  Stickus brings out a Nym list, backed with Captain Jostero and Sunny Bounder, flying from the left side of the screen.  Bali brings Xizor, the Prince Himself, to the table, with some Cartel Spacers and N'Dru flying in escort.

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-02 - Moar Guns For Hire! - Part Two

Bali switches up to Scum in this match up, with Stickus busting out a post-FAQ Biggs list, trying ot prove the naysayers wrong about our favourite moustached X-Wing pilot.  Sadly the overlay couldn't handle the power of the combined mousatches of Biggs & Rex, the flowing locks of Ezra Bridger and the majestic pelt of Lowhhrick and so there is no overlay for his list. 

Thursday Flight Night - 2017-11-02 - Moar Guns For Hire! - Part One

Stickus and Bali testing some Guns For Hire lists.  Stickus brings his brand new Talonbane, Dalan, Thweek list, flying from the left side of the screen.  Bali decides his not messing around tonight and brings out a Palp Defenders build, flying from the right side of the screen.

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-11-01 - Darth Otaku vs Stickus

Mikey and Stickus fly against each other at Gauntlet Games.  Mikey brings out his three Starvipers and puts them through their paces against Stickus Poetensity & Rey list

Flying Casual at Gauntlet Games - 2017-11-01 - Mikey vs Stickus

Mikey and Stickus fly against each other at Gauntlet Games.  Mikey brings out his three Starvipers and puts them through their paces against Stickus Poetensity & Rey list