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Showing posts from August, 2017

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Final Round

Tournament Finals from the Blackmoon Squadron League.  Eric on the left with his Rebels vs Ray on the Right with his Rebels.  Hope you enjoy the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round Three

Round Three of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, this round featuring returning Store Champion Eric on the left and our very own "Other Red 5", Joshua, on the right.  Hope you like the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round Two

Round Two of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, this one featuring James on the left and Ray on the right.  We're missing the Scavenger Crane for some reason on Ray's Ahsoka build, but it really is there, we promise.  Hope you enjoy the match!

Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament - Round One

Round one of the Blackmoon Squadron League Tournament, featuring Jason on the left side and Zena on the right side. Small mishap with the overlay, for some reason it added a Prox Mine to Jason's list, which isn't actually there.  Hope you enjoy the match!